Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Life is Crazy!

I know I promised more blogs, but life is very busy... in the midst of teaching English at the local high school, I have been trying to keep up with photo editing and building my photog business... the balancing act has been difficult! Teaching and photography make me so happy... I only wish there were more hours in the day to fully accommodate both!

I thought I would share a few thoughts while I am uploading photos for a client.

I Love…………… my family, my husband (my inspiration and favorite!!)
I Also Love…… my moose.

I Believe……… in God.
I Also Believe… in forgiveness.

I Need…………… my husband.
I Also Need……… a job with benefits.

I Want…………… more time for reflection and generosity.
I Also Want……… a baby.

I Hate…………… hate is a strong word.
I Also Hate……… I strongly dislike when people are deceitful to themselves and others.

I Wish………… to stop wishing and to be more "present"
I Also Wish…… for health, happiness and wealth for all that i know and love.

I Keep………… falling in love with my husband.
I Also Keep…… worrying about things i can't control.

I Save………… cool rocks for paperweights. because our house is sooo windy... (??)
I Also Save……… every book i've ever read. in case i ever get my own english classroom! (which probably will never happen if an administrator ever sees how i type on blogs!!)

I Covet......... to live like Grandma Rita
I Also Covet.... the desire to exercise regularly ;)

I Regret..... the days that i've overlooked.
I Also Regret.... nothing else!

I Have...... everything i need.
I Also Have... a suspenseful, wonderful, crazy, full and happy life
