Thursday, June 11, 2009


If you are trying to get in contact with me via Facebook, I cannot log into my account right now!! I am so frustrated and I wish that Facebook would respond to one of my billion e-mails to get everything squared away, but I'm totally being ignored. UGH.

Please e-mail me directly at until I can get it figured out ;) Thanks a bunch!



Stories of a Girl with a Sweet Bike said...

I'm very hurt mrs. swartz you commented callies blog and not mine that is just down right rude!! At first i felt bad about your little facebook issue but now i think thats what you get for not responding to your favorite student (we both know its true) and could you please read my Sorry! blog and tell me what to do because i really need your advice!
Brooke!!! (Stories of a girl with a sweet bike)

{Chelsea} {Callie} foreal!! said...

YOU HAVE FACEBOOK?!?!? Sweet...*runs off to add you* POST ON MINE AND CALS BLOG TOO!!! we have added some very interesting things!!!!! ~[chels]